Cash Flow

How does StocksFC make money?

StocksFC takes a small commission on all user to user trades and IPO sales. These funds stay within the company and are used to grow the platform.

Where does the money from IPO sales go?

When a stock is purchased via IPO the funds are split between the following wallets automatically using a smart contract:

  • Reward wallets

  • BuyBack wallet

  • Staking Wallet

  • Development Wallet

Where does the commission on transfer market trades go?

When a stock is purchased via the transfer market, the funds are split between the following wallets automatically using a smart contract:

  • Reward Wallets

  • Staking Wallet

  • Development Wallet

Here is the current percentage allocations:

IPO Sales:

  • Team Of The Week 20%

  • Team Of The Month 10%

  • Team Of The Season 5%

  • Inplay 20%

  • Development Wallet 30%

  • Staking 10%

  • BuyBack 5%

User to User Trading:

  • Team Of The Week 12%

  • Team Of The Month 12%

  • Team Of The Season 12%

  • Inplay 12%

  • Development Wallet 40%

  • Staking 12%

Last updated